Getting Ready for School? First Get Your Head Checked!

As our summer vacations begin to wind down our thoughts turn to the upcoming school year. Invariably we create a check list to help us from forgetting something important. Pencils – check. Paper – check. Back pack – check.

Concussion Baseline Test – CHECK

Huh? Baseline concussion testing . That was never on the list before. Well it is, or should be on the list now.

What Happens When We Pay Attention to Concussions?

Concussion awareness has skyrocketed. And as we’re learning, it’s a good thing.

More school athletic departments are making players sit out following head injuries. More parents are seeking immediate medical treatment when their child suffers a head injury. And more lawsuits are targeting sports organizations at all levels – organizations that in the past, downplayed the serious nature of head injuries. And then there’s the media, where the number of concussion-related stories is growing exponentially.

Can You Be a Game-changer for San Antonio’s Young Athletes? Absolutely!

It’s pretty much their nature – team sports and injuries go together. But the rise in concussion awareness is making us all more vigilant about the broader issue of sports safety.

Over the last few years, there have been numerous studies and research on sports-related head injuries in young athletes. The findings have led to big changes in schools and local sports initiatives. Safety is increasingly becoming a priority – and a popular one at that.